The Men's Artistic Gymnastics Support Group (MAGS) is made up of a group of parents who have a particular interest in gymnastics, generally because their sons are participants in the sport.
The focus of the group is to assist and provide support to the Master-in-Charge (MIC) to:
- promote the effective use by students of the facilities provided by the school;
- assist and provide support to the MIC to coordinate the efforts of the students, master, coaches and voluntarty helpers to achieve successful participation of gymnastics within the school activities;
- assist the MIC to carry out their responsibilities;
- appoint sub-committees to organise any such activities which, in the opinion of MAGS and the MIC, will promote the development of gymnastics in the school;
- raise funds on behalf of gymnastics where appropriate and/or necessary;
- make arrangements for running the canteen during gymnastics competitions held at the school, including organising volunteers
All parents involved in gymnastics are very welcome to attend the MAGS meetings, which are held once per term or as necessary as determined by the MIC or Committee. Additional meetings are held if needed to organise particular gymnastics competitions and events.
If you would like to participate in MAGS activities, please come along to our meetings. Notification of meetings appears in the BGS Newsletter immediately prior to the meeting. You can also contact the current MAGS President, Anne Wilson on 0419 709 328, or
Office bearers
Gary Chilcott
Sue Jackson
Vice President
Kathy Henry
Deb Lumley